Thursday, January 14, 2010

planitarium night

So, the last few days, i've taken a lot of crap shots- and its jsut a matter of which one comes out best. tonight was much the same "which of all these un-meaningful pictures came out best" hopefully in the next few days, it will improve, and i'll want to take some sort of good picture. tonight, you get a picture of me and three friends that knew each other before missions. they are the only people at school i know who arent married (or have plans to any time in the near future :D), and so actually have time to spend with friends. tonight, we went to the planitarum.

for a couple other pictures from the planitarium, go here


Anonymous said...

Wait, so we're part of a "crap shot"? Gee, that makes me feel good ;-)

Jason said...

I like how it looks like it's from an old computer screen. Just gotta see the fun in everything. And I actually look thin in that picture. I like that. :D

Melinda said...

sorry brandon. i didnt mean it that way.

look how short i look compared to all y'all! :D