we've been on a desert binge all weekend. we had other oreo cookies (far left) that we made for a ward activity, this is the leftovers of batches 2 and 3 :)
we got a vacuum today. I laid down for a nap, woke up, and suddenly, there was a vacuum in the livingroom (which was odd, because that was where i had taken my nap, and i don't remember it being there before
I signed a contract for our new apartment yesterday, and got a movie in the mail, and it was just an overall great day :). this would have been the picture for yesterday, but the mission call got priority
My roommate got her mission call for the LDS church today. She is going to be going to Washington DC, Spanish Speaking. Her mission will include the the visitor center at the temple there.
we skied for 6 miles today!! i was so proud (and annoyed at my hips for getting sore half-way through). this would be a beautiful hike in the summer... i might have to go eventually, since i've never seen it then
my roommates and i went to sammy's for dinner tonight, as a field trip to get away from the house. these were the miniature salt and pepper shakers they had there